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Should I apply?


Title Link
You're Invited To Consider the KAMSC Download
Entrance Exam Registration Form Download


Please note: All of the REQUIRED DOCUMENTS are fillable forms that MUST be downloaded and saved to your computer BEFORE you complete them. The complete applications must be received in the KAMSC office by 4:00PM Monday, May 1st. (Note: students should not receive the completed school forms; the counselors collect them and submit them to KAMSC.)


Title Link
Application Documents Checklist Download
How To Improve Your Application Download
Instructions for Parts A, B, and C Download
Information for Applicants for 10th, 11th, & 12th Grades and their Parents booklet Download
Profile of a Typical Upper Class KAMSC Student Download

TEACHER INSTRUCTIONS - (Students please print 3 copies to give to your teachers, along with their teacher reference forms)

Title Link
Instructions and Information for Teachers Download


Title Link
Student Information & Parent Permission Form (Parts A & B) Download
Student Questionnaire Form (Part C) Download
Application Answer Sheet Download
Mathematics Teacher Form Download
Science Teacher Form Download
English Teacher Form Download
Guidance Counselor Report Form Download

Applicants currently in the 8th grade: PLEASE READ!

Please note: All of the REQUIRED DOCUMENTS are fillable forms that MUST be downloaded and saved to your computer BEFORE you complete them. The complete applications must be received in the KAMSC office by 4:00PM Monday, May 1st. (Note: students should not receive the completed school forms; the counselors collect them and submit them to KAMSC.)


Title Link
Parts A & B: Student Information & Parent Permission Form Download
Part C: Student Questionnaire Form Download
Applicant Answer Sheet Download
Mathematics Teacher Recommendation Form Download
Science Teacher Recommendation Form Download
English Teacher Recommendation Form Download
Guidance Counselor Report Download


Title Link
Application Documents Checklist Download
8th Grader KAMSC Applicant Memo Download
How To Improve Your Application Download
Instructions For Parts A, B, and C Download
Profile of a Typical KAMSC Student Download
You're Invited to Consider Download

TEACHER INSTRUCTIONS - (Students please print 3 copies to give to your teachers, along with their teacher reference forms)

Title Link
Instructions and Information for Teachers Download

The Application Process

Information packets were mailed to all Kalamazoo County eighth grade students during the second week of November, 2016. Registration forms for the KAMSC entrance exam (which was held on January 14, 2017) were due in the KAMSC office on or before 4:00 PM on Friday December 16.

An open house for eighth graders and their families, for the purposes of further describing the KAMSC program, was held at 7:00 PM in Chenery Auditorium on Wednesday November 30th.

All students who reside in, and attend a public, private, parochial, or home school in, the KRESA service area, and who will have completed an Algebra I (or higher level) mathematics course by the end of eighth grade, are eligible for admission.

Please contact the KAMSC office, 269-337-0004, with inquiries.

Current 9th, 10th, and 11th graders, wishing to apply to enter the KAMSC high school pull-out program as 10th, 11th, and 12th graders for the 2017-18 school year:

Registration forms for the KAMSC upper class admissions exam (to be administered in March, 2017) are available through the links in the module at the top of this page. Please phone the KAMSC office, 269-337-0004, if additional information is sought at this time. Admission to the 10th 11th, and 12th grades at KAMSC is dependent on available seats.

All high school students who reside in, and attend a public, private, parochial, or home school in the KRESA service area, are eligible for admission to the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade. The minimum mathematics requirement varies by grade: students must have completed a geometry course before starting the tenth grade; an Algebra II course before starting the eleventh grade; and a pre-calculus course before starting the twelfth grade.